Association of Freight Forwarders in the Digital Age

Association of Freight Forwarders in the Digital Age


Freight Forwarding Associations play a crucial role in the logistics industry, providing valuable resources and networking opportunities for freight forwarders and NVOCCs.

Joining a Freight Forwarding Association can offer many advantages, such as access to professional networking opportunities, industry resources, enhanced visibility and credibility.

Freight forwarding associations also play a crucial role in facilitating international trade by representing business interests and maintaining professionalism in dealings with government, carriers, and industry.

As the future looks increasingly digital, with innovative technologies emerging every day, we will guide you through the process of joining DFA: a Digital Freight Alliance, determining eligibility requirements and how to submit your application along with any required fees.
It is important to also discuss various types of freight forwarding associations - regional, national and international – to further illustrate why the future of freight forwarding associations is most definitely digital.

We will also examine what you can expect from a DFA membership such as educational opportunities, professional development programs and advocacy representation. We’ll also explore how to maximise your association involvement, including attending events and conferences as well as capitalising on digital tools on offer.


Table of Contents:

Benefits of Joining a Freight Forwarding Association

o a. Professional Networking Opportunities

o b. Access to Industry Resources

o c. Increased Visibility and Credibility

How to Join a Freight Forwarding Association

o Research Available Associations

o Determine Eligibility Requirements

o Submit Application and Fees

Types of Freight Forwarding Associations

o a. Regional Associations

o b. National Associations

o c. International Associations

What to Expect from Membership in a Freight Forwarding Association

o Educational Opportunities

o Professional Development Programs

o Advocacy and Representation

How to Make the Most of Your DFA Membership

o A. Participate in Events and Conferences

o B. Take Advantage of our Digital Tools 

FAQs in Relation to Freight Forwarding Association

o What are the Three Major Roles of an Air Freight Forwarding Company?

o What are the Main Concerns of Freight Forwarders?



1. Benefits of Joining a Freight Forwarding Association or Alliance

Joining a freight forwarding association offers numerous advantages for global freight network members and NVOCCs, helping them scale their businesses and compete with industry giants.

In this section, we will discuss the benefits of joining such an association, including professional networking opportunities, access to industry resources, and increased visibility and credibility. Members also have the opportunity to join various committees and engage in industry work, which can lead to career advancement and learning from peers.


a. Professional Networking Opportunities

A key benefit of joining a freight forwarding association or alliance is the opportunity to connect with other professionals in your field.

These associations typically host events like conferences or workshops where members can meet face-to-face to share ideas, experiences, and best practices with other professionals, including customs brokers.

By participating in these events regularly, you’ll be able to establish valuable connections that could lead to potential partnerships or business referrals.


b. Access to Industry Resources

Becoming a member of a freight forwarding association grants you access to exclusive resources designed specifically for your industry needs. Members also receive the latest industry news and updates, which are crucial for staying informed about sector developments.

These may include market research reports on trends affecting the sector; educational materials covering topics like regulatory compliance or new technologies; as well as databases containing information about carriers' services rates among others things relevant for SMEs looking to grow their operations within this competitive landscape

Additionally, some organisations also offer discounted rates on essential software packages, which further support growth expansion efforts by providing cost-effective solutions tailored towards smaller enterprises who might otherwise struggle to afford such investments without assistance from external sources.


c. Increased Visibility and Credibility

Visibility: Membership in reputable freight forwarding associations helps increase your company's visibility within the industry.

These organisations often feature member directories on their websites, which can serve as a valuable marketing tool for your business. Participating in association activities and gatherings provides a chance to demonstrate your proficiency and offerings to prospective customers.

Credibility: Affiliation with a respected freight forwarding association lends credibility to your organisation. 
By demonstrating your commitment to upholding high professional standards and keeping abreast of industry developments, you are showing potential clients that your business is reliable.

Clients may be more likely to trust an SME that is part of an established network than one operating independently without any affiliations or support from larger entities. 

Joining a freight forwarding association offers numerous benefits for both freight forwarders and NVOCCs looking to scale their businesses in today's competitive market landscape.

By leveraging professional networking opportunities, accessing valuable industry resources, and increasing visibility and credibility through membership associations like these, SMEs can position themselves to compete effectively against even the largest players in the field, while simultaneously fostering growth and expansion efforts at every level of operation.


DFA Insight: Joining a freight forwarding association provides numerous benefits for SMEs, including professional networking opportunities, access to industry resources, and increased visibility and credibility.

By participating in events and accessing exclusive resources, businesses can position themselves to compete effectively against larger players while fostering growth and expansion efforts at every level of operation.

Being part of an established network demonstrates commitment to maintaining high professional standards that clients may be more likely to trust than independent operators without affiliations or support from larger entities. 



2. How to Join a Freight Forwarding Association

To make the most of these advantages, it's essential to understand the steps necessary for joining an association. This section will guide you through researching available associations, determining eligibility requirements, and submitting an application and fees.


Research Available Associations

The first step in joining a freight forwarding association is identifying which organizations are best suited for your needs. Staying updated with the latest news about different associations can help in making an informed decision.

There are various types of associations available at regional, national, and international levels that cater to different segments within the freight forwarding industry. 

Begin by conducting thorough research on top freight forwarder associations, comparing their membership benefits, geographical coverage, areas of expertise, and member testimonials.

Regional Associations: These organisations focus on specific regions or countries with tailored support systems catering to local businesses' unique needs.

National Associations: National-level groups offer broader reach across entire nations while still providing localised assistance where needed.

International Associations: Global networks like our Digital Freight Alliance (DFA) connect members worldwide with digital tools designed specifically for SMEs competing against larger players in the market.


Determine Eligibility Requirements

Prioritise potential memberships based on their eligibility criteria since some may have strict prerequisites regarding company size or years in operation before considering applicants eligible for entry into their organization. 

To determine if your business meets these qualifications:

1. Contact each prospective association directly via email or phone to inquire about their specific eligibility requirements. This is easy with DFA, reach us directly here.

2. Review the association's website for any information on membership prerequisites or application processes. Simplified with a DFA membership- simply sign up for free

3. Consult with current members of your preferred associations, if possible, to gain insights into their experiences and advice on meeting eligibility criteria. You can also gain useful insights from our monthly members meeting blog posts.


Submit Application and Fees

Once you have identified an appropriate freight forwarding association that aligns with your business goals and meets the eligibility requirements, it's time to submit a formal application. The process may vary between organisations but typically involves:

1. Filling out an online or paper-based application form providing essential company details such as contact information, services offered, years in operation, etc.

2. Submitting a fee (if applicable) to cover the cost of processing applications and managing member data.

The review period can take anywhere from several weeks up to a few months depending on the organisation's size and resources available for evaluating new applicants. 

Once approved as a member of the selected freight forwarding association, be prepared to pay annual membership dues which help fund various programs and benefits provided by these groups.

Remember that joining an industry-specific group like our Digital Freight Alliance (DFA) is just one way of expanding your network within this competitive field while also gaining access to valuable tools designed specifically for SMEs looking at scaling through collaboration.

Joining a freight forwarding association is an important step in establishing yourself as a professional within the industry. Therefore, it's essential to understand the different types of associations available and their respective eligibility requirements before submitting your application.


DFA Insight: 

To join a freight forwarding association, start by researching available associations that cater to your needs and determining eligibility requirements. For our alliance you will find everything you need on our website. Remember DFA is free!

For others you will need to submit an application and fees for review. Joining an alliance or association can expand your network within this competitive field. With DFA you also gain access to valuable leading-edge tools designed specifically for SMEs looking at scaling digitally.



3. Types of Freight Forwarding Associations

Freight forwarding associations come in various forms, catering to the diverse needs and requirements of freight forwarders and NVOCCs across the globe. 

By understanding the different types of associations available, you can make an informed decision on which one best suits your business goals and objectives. In this section, we will explore regional, national, and international freight forwarding associations.


a. Regional Associations

Regional freight forwarding associations focus on specific geographical areas within a country or continent. 

These organisations aim to promote collaboration among local businesses while addressing region-specific challenges faced by their members. 


b. National Associations

National freight forwarding associations represent the interests of their member companies at a country level by providing resources such as training programs, legal support services, market intelligence reports, and lobbying efforts for favourable policies or regulations that benefit the industry as a whole. Some examples include:


c. International Associations

International freight forwarding associations operate on a global scale, bringing together members from various countries to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing across borders. These organisations typically offer access to international networking events, conferences, and resources that can help you expand your business reach beyond your local market.

Digital Freight Alliance

By considering the types of freight forwarding associations available - regional, national, or international - you can determine which organisation aligns best with your company's goals and objectives. 

Joining an association that caters specifically to your needs will enable you to make the most out of the benefits offered by these networks.

Freight forwarding associations provide a range of benefits to members, depending on the type and size of association. Moving forward, we will explore what you can expect from a DFA membership.


DFA Insight: Freight forwarding associations come in different types - regional, national, and international. 

Joining an association that caters to your business needs can provide benefits such as collaboration with local businesses, access to training programs and resources at a country level or global scale for expanding business reach beyond the local market.


4. What to Expect from Membership in a Freight Forwarding Association

Membership in a freight forwarding association offers numerous advantages, including access to educational resources, professional advancement initiatives, and advocacy/representation.


Educational Opportunities

One of the primary advantages of joining a freight forwarding association is access to valuable educational resources tailored specifically for industry professionals. 

Associations often provide training courses, workshops, webinars, and seminars on various topics related to freight forwarding operations, regulations, technology advancements, and market trends.

Courses: Members can enroll in specialised courses designed to enhance their knowledge about specific areas within the industry.

Workshops: Interactive workshops allow members to learn practical skills through hands-on activities led by experienced trainers.

Seminars & Webinars: These events feature expert speakers who share insights on emerging trends or regulatory changes affecting the sector.


Professional Development Programs

Beyond education offerings tailored for individuals at all levels within an organisation are professional development programs aimed at enhancing career growth prospects for those working in the field. 

Many associations offer certification programs that validate expertise in specific areas such as customs brokerage or supply chain management (e.g., IATA Cargo Training Courses). Additionally:

Mentorship Programs: Some associations provide mentorship opportunities, connecting experienced professionals with newcomers to the industry for guidance and support.

Networking Events: Attending networking events organized by your association can help you build connections with other freight forwarders, NVOCCs, carriers, and service providers in the industry. DFA Hold these events every month, and provide a round up on the DFA blog after each meeting. 


Advocacy and Representation

A key role of freight forwarding associations is advocating on behalf of their members at regional, national, or international levels. They represent the interests of their members in discussions with government agencies or regulatory bodies that affect the industry. 

By joining an association:

Influence Policy Decisions: You gain a voice in shaping policies that directly impact your business operations.

Lobbying Efforts: Associations often engage in lobbying efforts to ensure favourable legislation for their members' businesses.

Updates on Regulatory Changes: Members receive timely updates about changes in regulations affecting freight forwarding operations so they can adapt accordingly.

Becoming a member of a reputable freight alliance, provides numerous benefits designed to help you grow professionally while staying informed about critical developments within this dynamic sector. 

Developed by DP World, a leading enabler of global trade in 2020, the DFA network covers more than 190 countries globally, with over 5000 members in less than two years. You can therefore be reassured that your voice is underpinned by the leading logistics providers worldwide, who have a continued commitment to world-class standards.



5. How to Make the Most of Your DFA Membership 

Maximising your membership can lead to numerous benefits for your business, including increased visibility, access to valuable resources, and opportunities for professional growth. To make the most out of your DFA membership, consider engaging in events and conferences, taking advantage of all the digital tools available as a premium member, and utilising online resources such as the members directory. 


A. Participate in Events and Conferences

One way to maximise your membership is by actively participating in events and conferences organized by DFA. These gatherings provide excellent networking opportunities with fellow members as well as industry experts who can share their knowledge on current trends or challenges facing the sector. Additionally, attending these events allows you to stay informed about new developments within the industry while also showcasing your commitment towards continuous learning.

Monthly Members Meeting

Events and Conferences


B. Take Advantage of our Digital Tools

DFA offers a unique opportunity for logistics providers to connect to exclusive products developed, maintained and improved by the tech team, an ongoing collaboration with working logistics companies from different countries.

All Members receive such unique opportunity to integrate Logistics Explorer tool to their website, by default as a white-label solution for premium members and branded under logo SeaRates by DP World for standard members.

All DFA members can access the Member's directory, a Virtual Office, with all features unlocked.

In your Virtual office you can manage your new and current bookings, chats, followers, rates storage etc.


Premium Members can:

Resell other premium members & SeaRates rates on their websites

Operate with confidence with Payment Protection, a best in class credit risk insurance. The insurance starts at US$10.000 per year, and can accumulate to a maximum of US$100.000 for same period.  

Benefit from improved visibility, transparency, and cost-efficiency across freight forwarding operations with CARGOES Runner ERP. Manage workflows end-to-end, with tools to improve per-capita productivity and per-shipment profitability. 

Access Daily Support- Increase your sales online by leveraging our bespoke account manager service. You will be assigned an account manager, mandated to work closely with you every day.


DFA Insight:

To ensure you are fully leveraging these opportunities download our Members Guide

To make the most out of your DFA membership participate in events and conferences, take advantage of industry leading digital tools, and utilise your personal account manager. 

Engaging with fellow members, staying informed about industry developments, and leveraging exclusive opportunities will position you for success within this competitive sector. 


FAQs in Relation to DFA - access our General Questions Library here.


FAQs in Relation to Freight Forwarding Association


What are the Three Major Roles of an Air Freight Forwarding Company?

Air freight forwarding companies play a crucial role in global trade by providing efficient and reliable transportation solutions. Their three major responsibilities include:

1. Organising and coordinating shipments from origin to destination, including documentation, customs clearance, and transport arrangements.

2. Negotiating rates with carriers to ensure competitive pricing for clients.

3. Offering value-added services such as cargo tracking, insurance coverage, warehousing, and consolidation.


What are the Main Concerns of Freight Forwarders?

The primary concerns faced by freight forwarders revolve around operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, customer satisfaction, and risk management. Some specific challenges include:

Maintaining cost-effective operations amidst fluctuating fuel prices and currency exchange rates.

Navigating complex customs regulations across different countries.

Fulfilling client expectations regarding timely delivery while managing unforeseen disruptions in supply chains due to natural disasters or geopolitical events.



Joining a Freight Forwarding Association can provide numerous benefits for freight forwarders and NVOCCs. 

By joining, members gain access to professional networking opportunities, industry resources, increased visibility and credibility. 

There are different types of associations including regional, national and international ones. Members can expect educational opportunities, professional development programs as well as advocacy and representation from their membership.  If you're looking to join a Freight Forwarding Association that values collaboration among its members across all regions worldwide, then join DFA today! 


Join DF Alliance Now